Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Top Ten Wedding Advice

It has been a while since we have blogged. Sorry to both our fans out there. I ran across this today in my internet wanderings: My Top Ten Wedding Advice by Eugene Cho, who is the pastor of the Quest Church in Seattle. Interesting guy. Since June is the official beginning of the wedding season, it seems like good stuff. Here is Eugene's list. If you want #10, you will have to check out his blog.
  1. Be the right person. This is so important and worth a post by itself in the future. No one is perfect but are you ready for the covenant of marriage?
  2. Marry the right person. Notice I didn’t say the perfect person since they don’t exist but marry the right person for you. Marry your soul mate. Please. Do not compromise. Let me say it again…do not compromise. Don’t forget that there must be a resonance and convergence of Passion, Vision, and Mission.
  3. You can never be over-prepared. Read books. Prepare. Befriend married couples and ask them lots of questions. Take pre-marital counseling classes. Pray. Enter into your covenant with confidence but not arrogance.
  4. Don’t “play married” when you’re not married. You know what I mean, right?
    Don’t live together; sleep together; buy a house together; etc…until you are married. Please wait. It’s worth it.
  5. Investment of Time? Are you investing in producing a great wedding (one day) or building a great marriage (a lifetime)? Think about this carefully because the energy, time, and other resources that people invest into the production of a wedding is ridunkulous.
  6. The Wedding isn’t a show. It’s a worship service and celebration of God’s covenant. Don’t do stuff to impress people but rather, make choices that are meaningful and reflect your devotion to God and your commitment to your spouse and family. Pray, sing, hymns, Scriptures, sermon, communion, vows…do it all and worship God.
  7. Do not go into DEBT to just put on a fancy party. In fact, just set a reasonable budget and don’t go over. This whole wedding industry is a sham. As I shared above, marriage is God’s gift and is clearly biblical but the wedding industry is a rarely exposes idolatry in many cultures – including the Western world. The ring , dresses, tuxedos, location, food, and glitz are all peripheral to your vows, your worship, and your community of friends and family. Be good stewards. Dresses, rings, suits, flowers, are blah blah blah in my opinion – why do we need to spend so much money on these thigns? They will all pass but some things won’t so make wise choices and I’d personally encourage folks to save funds for investments that will help you with your mutual Passion, Vision, and Mission.
  8. Honor your parents. The wedding isn’t just for you. It’s an opportunity to honor your guests, your family, but especially your parents. Carve out time during the actual wedding ceremony to speak heart to heart to your parents and let them know how much you appreciate them…as you “leave” your parents to join unto your spouse.
  9. Celebrate! It only happens once. So ENJOY and party!
  10. [see below]
[SDG - JS]


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