Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ashamed of the Gospel

As an ordained Presbyterian pastor, I respect that my colleagues and I differ on a great many topics. I expect that. What I do not expect is a flat out denial of traditional, orthodox, reformed Christian beliefs. Such is sadly the case with a Presbyterian pastor in Austin, Texas, Jim Rigby. In this article, he justifies the reasons why his church allowed an avowed atheist to join. This article follows one published by said atheist, Robert Jensen, originally posted, I think, in the Houston Chronicle, and now online at Counterpunch, here. (Please, no comments on the last awkward sentence, I am grading papers.)

Of course, I am heartened that anyone would want to join a church community, but it seems obvious to me that a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is primary to an official joining. I love when people hang around the church. Checking it out. Trying to find some answers and a place to belong. I can understand a seeker, but Jensen does not appear to me to be seeking. Rather, he is making, along with the church, a political point about inclusion.

To actually join a church and deny its central teaching about Jesus Christ, and for the church to be open and affirming about this, well, that's beyond the pale. It reminds me of the old saw about people being so open minded that their brains fall out!

That some of my colleagues in ministry actually believe this is OK, much less good, saddens me a great deal.


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