Thursday, March 16, 2006

Some Strange Stuff

Cleaning up my "pictures" folder, I came across a few things I have downloaded over the years. This first one is a classic, entitled "Not My Job", it portrays some poor critter that lost a collision with a vehicle. The next day, evidently, a road crew was out lining the road. Instead of removing the poor critter, they just painted over it. Classic! Not that I have ever done anything like that. No sirree. No shortcuts for me. Never did 'em. Nope. Not me.

The next one is for my brother, affectionately known as Uncle Dave around here. No idea why this picture reminds me of Dave. Well, other than the infamous, "Me and Unc were doin' 90!" Or the fact that Dave likes going fast. But really, 167 in a 50 mph zone seems a little excessive even for Uncle Dave. Still, the vehicle must have been going pretty fast, as it is no longer in sight, and these speed posts do not stay lit for long after you pass them.

A recent download captures my mood on some days. And it reminds my of my (usually) peacefully sleeping puppies, who are now no longer puppies.

Perhaps the strangest picture is of this "table boat". Creative. Insane. But creative. Hope he never encountered a wave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have never driven over 150 mph, so it wasn't me.........


Of course, that may change this year if I can get the Falcon to Bonneville.

Uncle Dave

4:58 PM  

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