Saturday, May 27, 2006

What is LOPSOD?

With two teenagers in the house, one must learn to adapt of be left in the dust. With computers, iPods, AIM, MySpace, and text-messaging, teenage communication has certainly evolved from passing notes in class.

I was at a gathering of Presbyterian elders and pastors last weekend. Around my table were eight bright and intelligent people. They had firm convictions about many things. At one point I asked them if they knew anything about MySpace. Only one did, and he had a teenager at home.

I went on to ask how many of their churches had a web site. Only one responded positively, the rest either said "no" or did not know. I believe the research shows that a great deal of new visitors find a new church by checking out the web site. But I digress, it is a new day.

Here is a helpful "dictionary" of net-speak called NetLingo. On this site you can find translations of text-messaging shorthand, email shorthand, smileys, and much more. It is worth a look. (H/T Education Wonks)

Oh, and LOPSOD means Long On Promises, Short on Delivery.






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