Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm Half a Century Old!

Yesterday I turned 50. I did not celebrate my birthday, as I was grading ordination exams, and then I drove home from San Francisco in the late afternoon and evening, making the 424 mile trip in a little more than six hours, you do the math.

The cartoon below depicts the life cycle of a playwright, but could be applicable to a Presbyterian pastor as well. I just wish my mom and dad were here to celebrate with me.

There are probably a lot of gag gifts and things for turning 50. Here's a book on turning 50, with a quiz.

Q: Why is a failed romance more painful for people over 50?
A: You wake up with an aching heart AND an aching back.

Q: How can you increase the heart rate of your 50-year-old husband?
A: Tell him you're pregnant.

Q: What do you call a 50-year-old man with no gray hair?
A: Bald.

Q: How can people tell when they've entered their autumn years?
A: Their shadows are wider.

Q: Is there anyone over age 50 who still looks great in leotards?
A: Yes. Superman.

Very funny. Ha ha.

Once when asked, "How's life?", Mark Twain is reputed to have said, "It beats the alternative."

And always remember the wisdom of Indiana Jones, "It's not the age, it's the mileage."


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