Friday, November 21, 2008

Holiday Giving

As we approach the "holiday season", people's minds turn to gift giving. With the world economy in crisis mode, it is an off season. If no one spends any money, then the ripple effect goes out and the economy worsens. If everyone spends money, the economy limps along, but some go deeper into debt, which helps exactly no one. So, what to do?

In an article on MSNBC Money Central, is an article entitled "5 great ways to give happiness". Here are the suggestions:

  1. Think life, not stuff
  2. Connect the dots, er, people
  3. Make someone feel better
  4. Make time stand still
  5. Give money
All this seemed fair and logical to me, but something struck me as not quite right. Then it hit me, this was all still narcissistic, all about me, or people I love. There is nothing here about giving to those in need.

A few years ago, we wound up at Christmas time with an extra $600 to give to charity. Our church at the time, Faith United Presbyterian Church in Highland Park, ran a food distribution program. During the Christmas season, we collected small toys from various stores and churches and individuals in order to give something to the children who would often come with their parents. Most of the toys were mere trinkets, but they loomed large to these inner-city children of poverty.

So my daughter, Rachel, and I decided to do something about this. We drove to the local Toys 'R' Us, and each of us grabbed a cart. Rachel was to fill the cart with stuff for girls, and I was to do the same for boys. Each gift had to be $5 or less. We spent two hours in the store, and it was really fun! We checked out and the total was about $595, close enough.

However, what was really fun was setting up all the toys in the basement of FUPC, and then watching the kids come in and sort through these new toys, which were current. No comic books or puzzles from 20 year old movies. Their eyes lit up as they entered the gift room, and some of them had tears in their eyes.

Rachel had so much fun doing this that she decided to raise money throughout the year to do it again the next Christmas. She discovered that it is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35)

During this time of year, please consider gifts to those less fortunate. Here are some possible suggestions.
  1. Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
  2. Compassion International
  3. World Vision
  4. Floresta
  5. Habitat for Humanity
  6. Bloodwater Mission
  7. Living Waters for the World
I believe $100 given to any one of these fine mission organizations would make for more people far more happy than the latest 120GB iPod. [JS]


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