Monday, November 10, 2008

This is Church

This summer, Bill Hybels wrote a book called "Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs". These are proverbs that describe in shorthand some of the leadership and ministry principles of the Willow Creek church. One of the Axioms, is "This is church." It describes the reality of church life, the dealing with the despair of brokenness and sin, and also the glories of renewed and redeemed lives, many times at the same time!

This weekend was one of those times here at APC. We received the news that one of our dear saints, Dick Erdman, had passed away. He had been diagnosed in February with pancreatic cancer, and given a very short time to live. However, he fought it, and outlived all expectations. Dick was a man who never complained, who worked hard, who always believed in the best in others. When he told us that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he began by apologizing that he had not completed some of his paperwork as church treasurer. Wow!

But Dick is now free of the excruciating pain he had been going through in the last two weeks, and is now with his Lord. We grief his loss, and pray God's strength and comfort for his wonderful family, especially Jeannette.

At the same time, we celebrated four new members of the church. Two youth gave stirring testimonies "live" in front of the church yesterday at a combined service. Robby talked about growing up in the church and aspiring to take the mantle of leadership, while Amanda spoke movingly of giving up softball to draw closer to Jesus.

Then two adults gave testimony, Kelly speaking about his desire to grow in Christ, and Kimo speaking about how much the APC family has meant to his own family.

Amidst the grief over losing a dear friend and brother and coworker in Christ, we welcomed four new partners in ministry. It was a glorious and moving service. I did not know whether my tears were joy or sorrow. Well, this is church. [JS]


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