Monday, October 19, 2009

Mark Roberts on the Power of the Internet

Mark Roberts has a great post on the power of the internet here. Entitled "The Office, the Wedding, and the Power of the Internet", Mark reflects on the relationship between the recent episode of the hugely popular "The Office" and a real life wedding in St. Paul, MN.

In both weddings, the traditional processional music is replaced by Chris Brown's "Forever", with the wedding party joyfully dancing up the aisle. The original video just makes you want to smile! Really.

Mark's point, though, is this:
The video went immediately viral. A week after being posted, it had 6.6 million views on YouTube. As of a few days ago, it has over 26,000,000 views on YouTube, not counting the large number of views on copies of the video. My guess is that, after last weeks’s episode of The Office, the original video will get millions of new viewers.

So here’s what impresses me about the power of the Internet. Think about it. Less than three months ago, somebody put up a video of a small wedding featuring two ordinary and relatively unknown people. Last week, one of the most popular television programs imitated the opening moments of the wedding, and millions upon millions of viewers got the joke. Never before in the history of the world could something like this have happened. It’s rather stunning, if you stop and think about it.
Good news travels fast, doesn't it? Are we using all the tools the Lord has given us to reach people with the Good News? [SDG-JS]


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