Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Overtime With This Guy?

Many Americans breathlessly followed the John Mark Karr arrest and extradition this summer in connection with the Jon Benet Ramsey murder case. I was not one of them, and was surprised and disappointed in the media firestorm over this admittedly confused man. The case was dropped after law enforcement personnel "lost" the laptop computer that had child pornography on it, which was a lynchpin of their case against Karr. How does one lose the key evidence in a case like this, anyway?

Anyway, I opened up my browser this morning, only to find a CNN headline of John Mark Karr, who appeared on Larry King Live. I thought to myself, "Why is this guy's 15 minutes of fame being extended?" I suppose my even commenting on it extends his 15 minutes even further. But I find the media attention to this admitted perverted man both salacious and in poor taste. But hey, that's what sells, right?

I loved the ending quote: "I've just got to live my life, this attention is negative, it's not something you want," Karr said.

Not wanting the attention?!? The self-centered child abuser seems to want nothing but attention, negative or otherwise. The only downside for him is that the media's interest in real news lasts about as long as my dog's interest in food. Once the food is gone, so is his interest in it. So, no one is paying any more attention to poor JMK? Let's book him on Larry King where he can protest his innocence, (other than shopping for children to have sex with in Thailand), and protest how little he likes the attention. That's rich! And sad. And the culture eats it up.

Move along, there is nothing to see here. I just wanted to point that out.


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